الثلاثاء، 10 نوفمبر 2015

Law of Satisfaction

Law of Satisfaction ( Take advantage of everything )
Everything works to your advantage If you apply it to work for your benefits , Jim Ron says: "Let me tell you how to solve all your problems! Take advantage of every problem or a difficult situation as an opportunity for growth! And for the conditions to change, you have to change." Allah says: {Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves}. And the question is : how I change inside my self to change out of it for better? The answer is : for change to the better you must first be satisfied toward your situation. Stan D say :" I reverse patients paranoia, I work from the premise that everything around me is part of a plot to conspire ( situation having a plan for my benefits ) for me and my happiness and the quality of my life." (1) W. Clement Stone says: "When life throws on you a lemon ,Take it and Create a lemonade. "(2) Captain Jerry Coffee was captured in the Vietnam War in solitary confinement lasted for years, what you think happened to his mind?! Are he went mad?! He says : I asked myself a question : as my experience in prison ,How can I take advantage of this experience for me? Then he spends many hours every day in the review of each interaction was between him and anyone in his life, and began to see the patterns that were successful and those that were not done in his life, as he analyzed the same Petro, and said: "It would not have been swapping his experience as a prisoner in return for any thing in the world, "and wrote his experiences in the book" beyond survival ".
* Exercising : 
* 1. Write positive points of the current situation, and the current number of your period features .
* 2.broad opportunities available to you now. 
* 3. Think about the positive aspects of the problem

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